Upgrade to Windows 11?

Lady contemplating Windows 10 and Windows 11

Windows 10 is nearing “end of life”

Different styles of windows stacked on top of each otherWhat if your computer will not run Windows 11? The main reason probably lies in a piece of hardware that your computer lacks. It is called Trusted Platform Module: level 2.0. If your computer lacks this then it is likely to be at least five years old and probably quite a bit more. If this is the case, I really wouldn’t worry. Just let your Windows 10 computer live out the rest of its days in peace without troubling about it.

Windows 10 will reach “end of life” in October 2025. After that, there will be no more fixes for problems or updates. For the first time after a Windows version reaches “end of life”, Microsoft will be offering “Extended Security Updates” for home users, but these will cost. I’ve read some wild things about just how much the updates will cost and don’t want to repeat them or speculate.

If Windows 10 offers you Windows 11, should you upgrade?

The PROs: Why might you want to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11?

Large stack of different windows

  • A refreshed user interface. Windows 11 features a new user interface that is more modern. There are also new widgets that offer quick information, such as the weather, news, and stocks (but if, like me, you find such distractions intolerable, you can get rid of these).
  • Improved performance. Windows 11 is more efficient than Windows 10. This means that you may experience faster boot times and better overall performance.
  • New features. Windows 11 includes a number of new features that are not available in Windows 10. These features include Snap Layouts, which allow you to quickly arrange windows on your screen, and Android apps, that run on Windows 11 devices.
  • Better security. Windows 11 includes a number of new security features to protect your device from malware and other threats. These features include a new security chip called the Secured-core PC, which helps to protect your device from attacks.
  • The upgrade takes place without needing to re-install your programs, settings, or data. However, I can not overstress that you should back up your data before embarking on the upgrade.
  • Support for Windows 10 will cease in October 2025. If you intend to keep your computer after that date, this might be a strong incentive to upgrade.
  • Microsoft have not said whether (and for how long) they will continue to offer the upgrade free of charge.


The CONS: Why might you not want to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11?

Large stack of different windows

  • You may be happy with Windows 10 and don’t think you would benefit from the new features or performance improvements.
  • The risk of something going wrong during the upgrade might outweigh the potential benefits in your estimation.
  • It is quite possible that you won’t want to have to climb yet another learning curve for relatively small gains.
  • You might be planning to replace your Windows 10 computer in the next year or two (a new computer will definitely come with Windows 11).
  • All the programs that currently run on Window 10 will continue to do so (at least for the foreseeable future). I have certainly not heard of any program that requires Windows 11.

My own experience of buying a Windows 10 computer and upgrading to Windows 11 as soon as it was released was something of a disaster. I am very pleased to say that this seemed to be an early problem with upgrading that I haven’t seen repeated with any of my clients.

So, should you upgrade? You pays your money and you takes your choice.

Further information

Different styles of windows stacked on top of each other


Windows desktop version market share worldwide (Oct 2024):

Windows 10 – 60.97%
Windows 11 – 35.55%
Windows 7 – 2.62%
Others – 0.86%       (source)

Minimum specifications for Windows 11

All images designed by David Leonard with Microsoft Designer