My Consultancy Rates (for all types of computer support and training) are as detailed below
Consultancy, Support, and Training Rates
Standard Rate £80ph
This is the rate for businesses, other organisations, charities, professional individuals, and home users.
Silver Surfers £75ph
This special rate for senior home users is available on request. You don’t need to prove you qualify, but you do need to ask for this special rate.
Calculation of charges
Charges are normally calculated on the hours and part hours spent on the client’s premises. Fixed price quotations can be arranged for specific projects/tasks. Remote support charges are as described below. VAT is not payable.
No Callout or Travelling Charge
I do not impose a callout charge or travelling charges, but there is a minimum site visit charge of one hour.
Consultancy is provided in the normal way and at the normal rate during this minimum time. The minimum charge will be applied if less than one hour is required. Time required over the minimum is charged pro rata at the same rate.
If my single journey time is likely to be more than 75 minutes (from Clapham Common) then I probably can’t help, but we can talk about it.
Telephone Support
Technical support via the telephone is available at £1 per minute. This fee is only payable when agreed on a call-by-call basis. The minimum charge in all cases of chargeable calls is £10. Charges only apply to technical support and only when agreed with the client during that call.
In all cases of remote support, I am happy to call you on any normal UK landline or mobile.
Please do not hesitate to call me: nothing is chargeable until we have explicitly agreed on it.
Remote Control Support (with Teamviewer)
Telephone support can now include remote control support whereby I can control the client’s machine (keyboard, screen and mouse) via a secure internet connection. Remote support may prove very effective for issues that are clearly defined and relatively simple. In these cases support can be offered quickly and cost-effectively (since the minimum charge is only £10).
Remote control support is not possible in cases where there is no broadband internet connection. Normal remote support (ie via a telephone call) is still available in these circumstances.
If your internet is provided by Talk Talk then you may need to speak with them to unblock Teamviewer.
Regular Consultancy
Fees for ongoing, regular, consultancy can be up to 20% less than the rates quoted above and can start at just four hours per month. I will be pleased to come and discuss your regular support requirements (at no charge).
For the first visit, payment is required at the end of the visit (by cash, cheque, direct bank transfer, credit card, debit card, or Paypal). Thereafter, payment can be against invoice by any of the above methods. An invoice/receipt is always emailed in pdf format following the visit. A hard copy invoice/receipt can be arranged if preferred.
Payment can also be made by PayPal, Debit Card or Credit card via the “Pay Invoice” page on this site. Please note that all payments by card are handled by PayPal. You do NOT need a PayPal account to pay by card and PayPal do not charge you any transaction fee.
Validity of Rates
These rates are valid until 30th September 2024.
Business and finance icons created by Angelo Troiano – Flaticon
Image: designed by David Leonard with Microsoft Designer
Photograph – DIL